Our 2021 service day is scheduled for May 15th. We had almost 60 volunteers last year and are looking forward to another great service day this year.
Our projects this year include, but aren't limited to splitting and stacking fire wood, painting the chapel restrooms, interior bathhouse and gym walls, repairing some playground equipment, brush clearing, chainsawing, deep cleaning, sanding and potentially staining the chapel ceiling beams. Please contact the staff at 208.325.8239 if you plan on attending, or need lodging for Friday or Saturday evening.
Please pray for our camps as we continue to prepare for the ministry that will take place here this summer:
Summer Missionary Training Camp: June 11 - 16
Timothy Training Camp: June 16 - 18
Explorers Camp #1: June 21 - 25
Adventure Camp: June 28 - July 2
Pathfinder Camp: July 12 - 17
Trailblazer Camp: July 19 - 24
Explorers Camp #2: July 26 - 30
Family Camp: September 3 - 6
Along with our Shiloh camps, we will also be hosting almost a dozen other youth and family camps throughout the summer. Praise God that we can utilize His camp to minister to the body of Christ.
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
In Christ,
Mike Crase
Executive Director
Shiloh Bible Conference